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2019 10-22
Why do so many companies use ASEMI Low VF Schottky ? High-frequency power supplies now choose low-voltage drop Schottky diodes to improve power conversion efficiency.
2019 10-22
ASEMI rectifier full series package information waiting for you to collect ASEMI integrated rectifier bridge model information. What is the level of Asemi Technology ? Let’s take a look at the ASEMI integrated rectifier bridge model.
2019 10-22
【ASEMI】What's the voltage rise after rectification of the rectifier ASEMI has 12-year rectifier bridge production experience gives you answers to the problems of rectifier bridge stacks. Many engineers have questions about why the voltage at the output is measured after the rectifier bridge is piled up, and the voltage rises.
2019 10-22
ASEMI teaches you to distinguish half-wave and full-wave Single-phase half-wave rectification circuit diagram and the characteristics of each circuit, where is the difference between bridge rectification and full-wave rectification, ASEMI explains to you
2019 10-22
ASEMI elite team Xiamen tour Do you still remember the previous Xiamen Interview with the ASEMI Dragon Boat Festival in interview with the Children's Day on June 1st? On the day of June 1st, we are not only full of childlike welfare.....
2019 10-22
ASEMI’s efforts have been touched finally Rectifier Bridge brand-ASEMI
2019 10-22
ASEMI'S Xichong Day Tour In order to better meet the burst of November, all members of ASEMI organization Xi Chong a day tour. The sun is just right, the mood is pleasant, everyone is full of passion and embark on the journey, the scenery along the way is very beautiful.
2019 10-16
ASEMI'S introduction of Schottky Diodes The Schottky diode is a metal-semiconductor device in which a noble metal (gold, silver, aluminum, platinum, etc.) A is a positive electrode, and an N-type semiconductor B is a negative electrode, and a barrier formed on the contact surface thereof has a rectifying property.
2019 10-15
Rapid development of 5V2A fast charge era Seize the commanding heights of the fast charge era, ASEMI rectifier bridge industry develops 5V2A fast charge products...
2019 09-30
ASEMI as exhibitor attends the Electronica India 2019 in Noida The exhibition was held at the India International Exhibition Center in Grand Noida, India. As early as 2012, ASEMI had visited Bangalore, India. This exhibition is in the Indian capital of New Delhi. For ASEMI, it has been visited three times, relatively more. Experience, and more familiar with the needs of Indian countries for Chinese electronics, as well as their national conditions