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First volume

Return ListSource:Asemi Date:2011.12.31 Read:0

ASEMI, the outstanding bridge rectifier manufacturer in the field of rectification.

We don't want you to choose us because of the low price,but because of quality cooperation for a lifetime.

Respond to arrogance and partiality with arrogance and paranoia Executive.

China's electronics market has become more transparent.

Maybe by price, we will get a lot of customers.

Maybe by quality, we will lose some customers who care about the price.

But ASEMI believes

As long as history is not blocked, time does not go backwards.

Customers can see the true "core" of ASEMI

We are not afraid that you will not come,

We only worry that you are being deceived by the market of "low price dumping, ignoring quality".

ASEMI thanks for your long-term trust and support.


Tag:Rectifier bridge rectifier bridge stack Schottky diode bridge stack Schottky rectifier bridge ASEMI rectifier bridge rectifier bridge manufacturer Qiangyuan core electronics. Prev:Company tenet Mission Next:Already the last piece