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A romantic trip in Xiamen of ASEMI family

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5 July 2016

Let's go for a romantic trip...


The beauty of the train terminal is ready for us. "Since choosing a distant place, we will only care about the wind and rain." On the morning of June 8, the strong friends of ASEMI will gather at Shenzhen North Railway Station and take the D2316 train to Xiamen. . Nearly 4 hours' drive, the boat has not affected the good mood of ASEMI's friends, and went to Xiamen all the way to eat and drink.


Our tour guide Miss Chen called the small partners of ASEMI as 'the very large NO.1 family', which is definitely not a small series of self-selling. There is a picture to prove, hey, our company's big beautiful girls ~ to Xiamen, there are beautiful scenery, there are beautiful people, it is really pleasant scenery, pleasing to the eye


As one of the travel planners of this trip, I have fully utilized the talents of my foodies. Food street, seafood food stalls, and all kinds of signature snacks have already been included in my head. On the afternoon of the 8th, after the free event, we went to a local high-end and delicious seafood stall to eat a big meal


There are not only delicious seafood dinners in the store, but also Xiaoshi also recommend Shishi Niuzao and Shenshen Tofu for everyone, saying that my saliva will flow down. Want to know the name of this big meal? Xiaobian is not advertising, so I can only share it with the foodies. After eating and drinking, we occupied the rooms of the two handsome guys and started the game of young people. From poker to dark, please close your eyes to who is undercover, from intense discussion to mutual game, and unwittingly fight until the early morning.


On June 9th, it was also the highlight of our Xiamen tour. Today we went to some of the most beautiful and representative attractions in Xiamen: Nanputuo Temple - Xiamen University - Beach Walk - Gulangyu - Zeng Yi.



At 6:30 in the morning, the friends were dug out of the bed and guided off by car. After fragrantly praying for happiness and well-being in Nanputuo Temple, we walked to Xiamen University, the most romantic university in China, to experience the most beautiful phoenix flower season, to see how the young friends are youthful, and to recall the same year. When are we in the graduation season?


Next to the Hulishan Fort, our friends went for a walk along the beach. The sun is just right, the blue sky and white clouds are against each other, the sea is endless, step by step, the photos are beautiful! Xiaobian is lazy and afraid of the sun, so I did not go to the beach to walk, sitting on the reef and writing postcards and other waves to shoot, is it necessary for the literary fan? Or take a look at our beauty.


In the afternoon, take a ferry to Gulangyu, where the young artists of literature and art are yearning for. Gulangyu, which is applying for the world cultural heritage, shows us the face of civilized and polite and leisurely petty bourgeoisie.

Following the guides, we walked through the streets, colorful walls, diverse styles, stone brick vines and colorful flowers came into view, as we told us about the quiet and elegant beauty here.


Say goodbye to Gulangyu, we have completely blackened when we arrived at Zeng. Xiamen at night shows us the passion. The food along the way is constant, the crowd is constant, the music is constant, and the excitement is constant.


I spent the last physical strength and ended the full day of the trip. Is there a turning point in the story here? Of course, I didn’t have enough games last night to continue! Another sleepless night


Still getting up at 6:30, but going out with the panda eyes, the excitement last night has not gone, but physical strength is not enough. In the morning, it rained down and made it cool all day. Walking through the roundabout is still covered with rain and fog. Fortunately, the itinerary is arranged in the ancient jade culture exhibition hall. In the quiet and deep world, it avoids heavy rain and also watches the cultural relics of the 'Sanxingdui' that has passed through the millennium.


When I arrived at Jimei School Village, the sky was already clear. Jimei, it is indeed a beautiful world, the Dragon Boat Festival is still on the lake, clear waves, pleasant scenery. The little friends gave up the mirror for the most beautiful scenery.

Chen Jiageng’s deeds and spirit are even more beautiful. I remembered the stone cliff carvings seen in Nanputuo Temple at the last stop of the trip: 'Be the best for good.' These three days are as beautiful as a dream, and it seems that everything is destined.


The elite team with the highest value of ASEMI went to Xiamen and took the most beautiful moments and recorded the best memories. The friends of the 'joining the world together' wish to continue, where will you take you to the next stop? Stay tuned

ASEMI is willing to share the high quality and the sincere service to you, and also want to share the achievements and happiness of ASEMI to the friends who care and trust us.


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