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ASEMI teamed up with CICD technologies

Return ListSource:Asemi Date:2019.07.16 Read:0

About CICD technologies

The company's main high-power power supply is widely used in aerospace, industrial control equipment, photovoltaic, communication, locomotive and other industrial high-power equipment. It has a high reputation in the industry and is the brand of China's high-power DC/DC power supply industry.

The relationship between ASEMI and CICD technologies

2015 is a very important year for the rapid development of ASEMI Semiconductor. After reaching a deep cooperation intention with Huichuan Technology at the beginning of the year, it has established a strategic partnership with the domestic power supplier CICD technologies.

Guangzhou CICD technologies and ASEMI rectifier bridge manufacturers order a batch of rectifier bridges, which is also a big change for Sethide Technology. The ASEMI rectifier bridge has a built-in chip that has been subjected to 28 test process card standards. The frame and pins are forged by seamless soldering technology to ensure product stability and consistency. Made with care to let customers rest assured that the rectifier bridge makes one of our rules of conduct.


ASEMI quality, CICD technologies' power supply selection

The company mainly uses ASEMI semiconductor high-power rectifier bridge products, the electrical parameters range from 2 to 200 amps small package bridge stack and large package modules, etc. The high-frequency power supply uses the fast recovery diode.


ASEMI semiconductor products have good performance, high-quality GPP chips, Taiwan Jianding integrated test equipment to monitor electrical parameters, to ensure the higer pass rate and supply high-quality bridge rectifier to CICD technologies power products.

Tag:Rectifier bridge rectifier bridge stack Schottky diode bridge stack Schottky rectifier bridge ASEMI rectifier bridge rectifier bridge manufacturer Qiangyuan core electronics. Prev:SHUHUA 12 years of trust, ASEMI 3SRB3516 Next:ASEMI KBL406, Longtech Smart Three-Year Order